UroLift is a cutting-edge technology for the minimally invasive treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). BPH is a condition where a man’s prostate enlarges over time obstructing the flow of urine. Symptoms can include a combination of weak stream, straining, frequency, urgency, and frequent nighttime voiding. BPH affects 40% of men in their 50s and up to 70% of men in their 60s and can significantly affect quality of life.
The UroLift system offers rapid and lasting relief from BPH symptoms. It is generally performed in an office-based setting under local anesthesia. The UroLift delivery device is placed through the urethra and the small implants are deployed and lifts the obstructive prostate tissue out of the way to unblock the flow of urine.
Clinical results show that the Urolift system provides rapid relief of BPH symptoms as well as sustained improvement. (Click Here to Read More)
One benefit of the Urolift system over more traditional approaches is lack of sustained erectile or ejaculatory dysfunction.
If you are one of the many men fighting BPH and are looking for an alternative to medical management, make an appointment today to discuss how the UroLift system could benefit you.