Volunteer today to learn more about your condition and receive access to new treatments.
Clinical research studies can be a great opportunity for people to receive medical services at no cost and to learn more about their medical condition. When you volunteer for medical research studies, in most cases, you are compensated for your time and travel commitments in the form of a stipend.
At Urology Clinics of North Texas, we ensure volunteering is a positive experience for every participant. Our friendly staff understands and recognizes that all participants in medical studies are volunteers; therefore, we respect every participant’s time and commitment. In addition to compensation, volunteers often receive diagnostic testing and careful evaluation by a board-certified medical doctor. Lastly, many volunteers find that participation in medical studies can be a great learning experience that allows them to have a better understanding of their medical condition and potential treatment options.
Participation is always voluntary and participants can choose to withdraw from a study at any time. Every medical study has different requirements, procedures, risks and benefits. See our list of enrolling study opportunities and apply today. Our friendly staff will gladly explain the details of study participation.

Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas
(Formerly known as Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas)
Urology Clinics of North Texas Clinical Trials Office
8230 Walnut Hill Lane,
Professional Building 3,
Suite 700
Dallas, Texas 75231