Rezum is a minimally invasive treatment option for an enlarged prostate (BPH). Common symptoms of and enlarged prostate include frequency, urgency, decreased stream, straining and excessive nighttime urination. While many patients are started on medications for these symptoms, often patients experience unwanted side effects from these medications, or the medications are simply not effective enough. In these situations, the Rezum procedure may be a good option.
The procedure can generally be done in an office-based setting with local anesthesia. During the procedure water vapor is injected into the prostate through a cystoscope needle. The hot water vapor energy leads to destruction of prostate tissue. Over time, this ablated tissue is reabsorbed by the body’s natural healing response, reducing the volume of prostate tissue. This allows urine to better flow through the prostate and decreased the symptoms of BPH.
The Rezum procedure has been extensively studied and results out to 4 years have been published. (Click Here to Read PDF)
Patients achieved an improvement in their urinary symptoms as well as an improvement in quality of life and the flow of urine. Symptom improvement was achieved in less than 3 months in most patients and were durable through the 4-year report.
If you are tired of the daily hassle of BPH and the effects it has on your quality of life, make an appointment to discuss the Rezum procedures with one of our many qualified Urologists.