The word vasectomy still has a lot of negativity and fear surrounding it. If you have ever wondered about getting one, then this is the blog for you. So, when IS the right time to get one? Having a vasectomy conversation with your spouse can be stressful, so it is essential to go in knowing the facts. A vasectomy means one less thing to worry about. You can have a happy, healthy sex life without the fear of an unexpected pregnancy. Around 500,000 men undergo a vasectomy in the U.S. every year. It is permanent birth control for men and could be the right solution for your family.

The Procedure
The procedure is done in the office and consists of two parts while the patient is under local anesthesia. The first part consists of gaining access to the vas deferens (the tubes that transport the sperm from the testes), and the second is blockage of these tubes. The conventional method involves two incisions to access the vas deferens. There is also a no-scalpel method that uses a small puncture wound to access the tubes.
The blockage of the vas deferens can be accomplished in many ways or by a combination of methods that block and or cut those tubes. The procedure takes about 15 minutes in total.
Some bruising is expected at the surgical site, but over the counter pain relievers will help with any discomfort after the vasectomy. Take it easy the first few days, no substantial work or lifting. Wear snug cotton briefs or an athletic supporter for the first week. You can take showers immediately, just no bathing or swimming for the first week.
You will still need to utilize some form of birth control until a semen analysis confirms no sperm present at three months. Sexual activity can resume 5-7 days after the procedure.
You are Treated Like Family at UCNT

UCNT has 18 locations in the Dallas/Fort Worth area to conveniently serve all of your urology needs. Our board-certified specialists can answer any questions you may have to ensure you are comfortable with the decision you are making. Our staff will ensure you are treated like our own family. To learn more about the vasectomy procedure at UCNT, call (214) 580-2266, or set an appointment here.